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Fig. 7 | BMC Pediatrics

Fig. 7

From: Insight into human pubertal growth by applying the QEPS growth model

Fig. 7

Relationship between Ppubgain and QESpubgain showing the total growth during puberty. Relationship between Ppubgain (=0.95*P max ) and QESpubgain expressed as a subtraction on the horizontal axis (cm) and total pubertal gain (cm) on the vertical axis. If P gain = QESpubgain, then the difference is zero. Different combinations of Ppubgain and QESpubgain resulting in different total pubertal gain can be evaluated using the transverse lines for each variable. The oblique blue line, with its transverse blue isolines, represents QESpubgain, and the oblique red line, with its transverse isolines, represents Ppubgain. Red circles indicate girls and blue crosses indicate boys

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