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Table 2 Characteristics of 1580 neonates with indirect neonatal hyperbilirubinemia (INH)

From: Indirect neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in hospitalized neonates on the Thai-Myanmar border: a review of neonatal medical records from 2009 to 2014


Neonates with INH n=1580a

Maternal characteristics

 Site, n (%)


1056 (66.8)


524 (33.2)

 Ethnicity, n (%)


1165/1546 (75.4)


258/1546 (16.7)


123/1546 (8.0)

 Age in years, median, (IQR)

24 (20–30) n = 1579

 Literacy, n (%)

947/1442 (56.7)

 Smoking, n (%)

222/1574 (14.1)

 Primigravida, n (%)

763 (48.3)

 Multiple pregnancy, n (%)

61 (3.9)

 Place of birth, n (%)


1423 (90.1)

  Tertiary hospital

68 (4.3)


77 (4.9)


12 (0.8)

 Type of delivery

  Normal vaginal delivery, n (%)

1427 (90.3)

  Breech and face delivery, n (%)

49 (3.1)

  Instrumental vaginal delivery, n (%)

62 (3.9)

  Caesarian section, n (%)

42 (2.7)

Newborn characteristics

 Gestational age, n (%)

  < 32 weeks

53/1578 (3.4)

  32 < 37 weeks

437/1578 (27.7)

  ≥ 37 weeks

1088/1578 (68.9)

 Gender (male), n (%)

922 (58.4)

 Small for gestational age, n (%)

297/1554 (19.1)

 Congenital abnormality, n (%)

44 (2.8)

Hospitalization characteristics

 INH as sole clinical diagnosisb, n (%)

911 (57.7)


  Severe infection, n (%)

296 (18.7)

  Mild infection, n (%)

206 (13.0)

 Age in days at admission, median, (IQR)

2 (1–3)

 Age in hours at presentation of INH, median, (IQR)

55 [36–92]

 Length of stay in days, median, (IQR)

  1–3 days

588 (37.2)

  > 3–5 days

307 (19.4)

  > 5–8 days

323 (35.1)

  > 8 days

362 (39.3)

 Mortality during hospitalization, n (%)

31 (2.0)

  1. aDenominator unless stated otherwise
  2. bClinical diagnoses do not include prematurity, G6PD deficiency or potential ABO incompatibility