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Table 1 Data collection sheet

From: Adherence to the neonatal resuscitation algorithm for preterm infants in a tertiary hospital in Spain

Patient’s identification:

Gestational age:

Birth weight:


Twin? 1st or 2nd of 2

Time and date of birth


Apgar score: assigned: 1 min: ᅟ5 min: ᅟ10 min: ᅟ

Apgar score: camera: 1 min: ᅟ 5 min: ᅟ10 min: ᅟ

Admission temperature: ᅟºC

Analyzed aspects

0 points

1 point (any technical error in a correctly indicated maneuver is awarded 1 point; the main errors and examples are listed in every domain)

2 points

Heat loss prevention measuresa

Not performed

No cap; baby dried with towels and then placed in a plastic wrap; if towels were used, they had to be replaced by new, preheated ones

Well done (dried and towels replaced OR plastic wrap)

Head in a “sniffing position”a

Not performed

Head in hyperextension or bent or to a side

Well done


Not performed when indicated

Done after the first 20 s; for more than 5 s; incorrect order (nasal suction before oral); incorrect suction catheter (not 8 F); excessively introduced catheter (more than 10 cm)

Well done


Not performed when indicated: inactive, apneic or not spontaneously breathing, or gasping, or bradycardic

Stimulation performed on other places than the back or the soles of the feet.

Too aggressive (not gentle rubbing)

Well done

Preductal PO probe

Not placed in a baby who needed CPAP, PPV or oxygen

Not preductal (left hand or wrist, foot)

Preductal (right hand or wrist)

Administration of oxygen

Not used in a baby who needed it

Given free-flow oxygen; not administered with PPC or PPV; not discontinued when color or SpO2 improved; use of initial FiO2 other than 0.3

Well done

Administration of CPAP

Mandatory if < 28 weeks GA or ≥ 29 with a positive initial evaluation but distress

Evident mask leak; incorrect mask/cannula size

Well done

Administration of mask PPV

Not performed when needed

Initiation after the first 20 s; use of a self-inflating bag instead of an automatic or manual ventilator; incorrect mask size; incorrect rate (not 40-60 rpm); mask leak; not re-evaluated for response (HR and color) after 30 s)

Well done


Not performed when needed

Duration of each intubation attempt (time from the introduction of the laryngoscope blade to the mouth to its removal) > 30 s); incorrect size of the endotracheal tube; position of the endotracheal tube not checked (auscultation/chest wall rise/inserted to correct depth); lack of ventilation between intubation attempts, Number of intubation attempts; Unplanned extubation

Well done

Chest compressions

Not performed when needed

Incorrect method (other than 2 thumbs or 2 fingers); incorrect area (other than lower third of the sternum); incorrect depth (not one third of the anterior-posterior diameter of the chest); incorrect rate (not 90 bpm); incorrect coordination with ventilation (not 3:1); initiation without correct ventilation; Not re-evaluated for response

Well done

Epinephrine administration

Not performed when needed

Not administered after 30 s of CC if heart rate < 60 bpm; Dose and route of administration

Well done

Surfactant administration

Not performed when indicated: intubated and < 28 or ≥ 29 weeks GA and FiO2 ≥ 0.3

Not administered at 10 min of life; Dose

Well done

Total points

  1. aAlways mandatory
  2. If PPV, CC or drugs are necessary, breathing, heart rate and color must be reassessed every 30 s.
  3. Min Minutes, PO Pulse-Oximeter, CPAP Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, PPV Positive Pressure Ventilation, GA Gestational Age, CC Chest Compressions