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Table 1 Project framework: specific objectives, outcomes and period of activities

From: Stockholm preterm interaction-based intervention (SPIBI) - study protocol for an RCT of a 12-month parallel-group post-discharge program for extremely preterm infants and their parents

Specific Objectives


Period of activities

Objective 1:

To improve the quality of the interaction between parents and their extreme preterm children

All participants will be filmed during a free play situation during a 20 min interaction. The video films will be analyzed using the Emotional Availability Scales (EAS).

Parent-child interactions will be video filmed at 12 months corrected age (at the end of the intervention) and again at 2 years corrected age (1 year post-intervention).

Objective 2:

To improve child development within several areas

Child’s general development (BSID-III, ASQ, SDQ), Child executive function (BRIEF-P), Child’s motor development (AIMS, PDMS, GMA), Child’s neurological development (HINE, HANE), child’s autistic symptoms (M-CHAT), child’s temperament (IBQ-R), preschool teachers view of their extreme preterm pupil (CEQ, “Ert barn vårt samspel”, playtime/social time impression scale, ICF-CY and semi-structured interview with the preschool teachers).

Motor skills assessment will begin at 3 months corrected age at the neonatal follow-up unit. Other child outcomes will be measured at 1, 2 and 3 years corrected age, in accordance with the age range the assessment and questionnaires are applicable for. Preschool teachers’ view of their extreme preterm pupils will be collected at 2 or 3 years corrected age, depending on preschool introduction for that specific child.

Objective 3:

To improve parental mental health of parents to extreme preterm infants post-discharge

Parental mental health (STAI & HADS) and views of parenthood (PSE & RES).

Parental questionnaires will be collected at baseline and when their child has reached an age of 1, 2 and 3 years corrected age.

Objective 4:

Collecting parental views of the first year at home after NICU-discharge with an EPT infant; both intervention and control group.

Semi-structured interviews with a focus of the first year at home, strengths and challenges. CSQ from intervention group.

Post intervention at 1 year corrected age.