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Table 6 Proportion (n, %) of infants at 7 months who met referral criteria for persistent or severe OM, among 388 infants who had ear assessments at all three timepoints

From: Otitis media outcomes of a combined 10-valent pneumococcal Haemophilus influenzae protein D conjugate vaccine and 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine schedule at 1-2-4-6 months: PREVIX_COMBO, a 3-arm randomised controlled trial

Referral criteria

n (%)

N = 388

Recurrent AOMwoP/AOMwiP (3 episodes within 6 months)

71 (18.3%)

Persistent OME (3 months)

47 (12.1%)

CSOM at least once

24 (6.2%)

Mixed OME/AOM (3 months)

135 (34.6%)

Total referrals

277 (71.4%)


 Fluctuating (normal/OM)

110 (28.4%)

 Normal (3 months)

4 (1.0%)